Elmira Shokr Pour

Elmira Shokr Pour is an Iranian artist and award-winning painter based in Tehran. Her works have been featured in solo exhibitions both nationally and internationally. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Painting from Tehran Art and Architect University (2000) and an Art Diploma in Painting from the School of Visual & Fine Art in Tehran (1996) .

Elmira’s paintings often delve into themes related to her childhood memories, her female identity, and the role of women in Iranian society. When she creates art, she aims to understand not only herself but also womankind in general . Her work reflects a deep exploration of femininity and personal experiences, making her a notable figure in the contemporary art scene.

ZANON GALLERY presents the Collective: 

 ‘Reflected reality’

Exhibition-From /14th Saturday /September 2024 / To 21st Saturday September 2024

This exhibition presents the International ANIMA MUNDI ACADEMIA Art Gallery group of artists from Lithuania, Georgia, India and Iran.  

Exhibition curator Zita Vilutytė

ZANON GALLERY  presenta la Collettiva: 

‘La Realtà Riflessa’
Questa mostra presenta il gruppo di artisti della Galleria d’arte internazionale ANIMA MUNDI ACADEMIA provenienti da Lituania, Georgia, India e Iran.   
Curatore della Mostra Zita Vilutytė
Allego le foto e biografie dei 7 artisti non inserire le foto dei quadri che sono allegate