Natalija Garskiene

As an abstract expressionist artist, my creative journey is a pursuit of wonder, guided by instinct and spontaneity. My process is playful, experimental, and deeply rooted in the act of creation itself. It is the enchantment of wonder that propels me forward, igniting my passion for exploring the boundless realms of art. My artistic endeavors span a diverse range of sizes, and mediums, dictated by the intuitive pull of my hands in the moment. Whether it be acrylics, ink, pastels, pencil, or any other medium, I embrace the variety with an open heart. In recent years, my artistic path has led me towards the captivating world of abstraction,
where I delve into what I fondly refer to as ‘inner landscapes’ – paintings that serve as mirrors to the essence of the soul.

My art is a reflection of my experiences, emotions, inspirations, and the stories I choose to tell. Texture plays a pivotal role in my creations, blending materials, color, composition, and scale with a delicate touch. In my acrylic abstract paintings I employ texture and color as tools to convey mood and emotion, layering thin washes of paint and embracing both additive and subtractive techniques to unveil unique and visually captivating pieces.

Rather than capturing humanity in its stark reality, I strive to delve into the depths of human emotion and intricacies that shape our daily lives. Through abstraction and imagery, I seek to illuminate the moments when the innate desire to leave a lasting mark on the world has touched us all, resonating with the universal essence of human experience.

I was born on February 19, 1979, in Naujoji Akmenė. I graduated from Kuršėnai L. Ivinskis School in 1997. In 1997, I enrolled in Šiauliai University for a major in art and primary school teaching. I did not complete my studies after changing my place of residence. I completed my studies at Klaipėda Social Sciences College in 2007, obtaining a law degree.

In 2010, I graduated from Klaipėda University with a degree in public administration. In 2020, I studied painting and the basics of art individually with Ansis Burkė, a lecturer at Vilnius Academy of Arts.

Upon moving to Vilnius in 2015, my desire to return to creativity and art intensified. With the help of lecturer Ansis Burkė, I clarified my artistic direction – abstract art. Observing myself as a research phenomenon, through abstract, intuitive art, I seek to discover unknown possibilities of expression, and characteristics, and establish the principles of my creativity. I use painting as a tool to depict the emotions and feelings emerging in my subconscious. Intuitive abstract painting is a release of my fears,
expectations, and anxieties. It is related to the discovery of my inner world, evolving, and intuitively exploring the process of painting. I do not cling to the idea or planning of a painting. I surrender to being present here and now, in space with myself and with the canvas. I open up to a deeper connection with my soul and inherent wisdom.

ZANON GALLERY presents the Collective: 

 ‘Reflected reality’

Exhibition-From /14th Saturday /September 2024 / To 21st Saturday September 2024

This exhibition presents the International ANIMA MUNDI ACADEMIA Art Gallery group of artists from Lithuania, Georgia, India and Iran.  

Exhibition curator Zita Vilutytė

ZANON GALLERY  presenta la Collettiva: 

‘La Realtà Riflessa’
Questa mostra presenta il gruppo di artisti della Galleria d’arte internazionale ANIMA MUNDI ACADEMIA provenienti da Lituania, Georgia, India e Iran.   
Curatore della Mostra Zita Vilutytė
Allego le foto e biografie dei 7 artisti non inserire le foto dei quadri che sono allegate